On 2001-11-14 13:57:37 +0100, Cliff Sarginson wrote:

>I have started to subscribe to a mailing list digest, which I have 
>not done before, but it is mostly of things I don;t need to read 
>immediately but can browse every couple of days. What I do want to 
>do is to do something to the digest(s) so that I can deal with 
>them in the "normal" way, i.e. get threads etc. I am thinking that 
>grepmail may be able to do this (if I get time today I will have a 
>look-see), but I am sure many people have done this before, so any 
>tips would be appreciated.
This sounds more like job for procmail putting the individual list 
messages into a folder of their own than like a job for digests...

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/

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