On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 05:07:41PM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> I know this was discussed before, and setting my term to rxvt fixed
> it.  The highlighting of syntax in the mutt pager or vim or whatever,
> where it will either highlight only until the end of the text on each
> line, or all the way to the end of the terminal.  Whatever I try, in
> Mac OS X's terminal, the highlighting of blocks of text in mutt or
> vim, it will only go to the end of the terminal, not the end of the
> line, screwing up copying and pasting.  Anyone have any idea where to
> look, since I have gotten the latest termcap file from the ncurses
> page, and tried term set to vt100, rxvt, dtterm, whatever, some of
> which work elsewhere.
man terminfo:

       back_color_erase          bce   ut    screen erased with
                                             background color

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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