On 2001.11.13, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Will Yardley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mutt doesn't have an editor, so this is a function of your editor.  in
> vim you can use :set tw=74 or :set textwidth=74
> nvi and other vi clones should be the same, but you can't use 'gqip' or
> 'gqap' to format lines (maybe install par).

There is no tw/textwidth in vi -- use wm/wrapmargin instead. Set it to
the width of your right-hand margin to auto-wrap text. (For example: set
wm=8 to wrap at 72 columns on an 80-column screen.)

vim and other vi clones should be the same. :)

You can also use "fmt" to format lines instead of gq-whatever -- there's
no need to install par, though it is more powerful than fmt.

For example, in your .exrc:
map v {j0!}fmt -w72<ctrl-v ctrl-m>

This makes "v" reformat the current paragraph to 72 columns. It ought to
work on any variety of unix or a unix clone, with vi or any vi clone.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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