Piotr Stolc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 11/10/2001:
> I have one, maybe trivial, problem...I want to choose some configuration
> options (like 'from' string, signature etc) when I start composing mail. Now
> I can do this with folder-hook, but this is very uncomfortable. IMHO the
> best solution would be adding a menu with defined templates...Is this
> possible? Or, maybe, there are some other solutions? Note that I don't want
> templates to be automaticly chosen by mutt, I want to have the possibility
> to change it's decision...

I suppose you could do this with a separate program, that you'd
exec via shell escape, that would let you edit the appropriate
fields and write the results to a config file (in, say,
~/.mutt/tmpconfig), which would be sourced:

macro index M "!~/bin/create-config > ~/.mutt/tmpconfig;source ~/.mutt/tmpconfig"

Kind of clunky, but straightforward.


You'd be suprised how easy it is to change my mind if you give me the

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