Sat, 10 Nov 2001 00:46:30 +0530


On Tue, 06 Nov 2001 Cliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:
> hello,
> If I am sent a message with email addresses mentioned in the message
> how can I extract them, and send a mail .. parallel to the way I can
> extract URLs.

Sorry I'm replying so late, but I just saw this one.
I suggest you look at this :

It is actually to add aliases to your addressbook, but you
could, I'm sure, hack up the code to send a mail to a given
address (I haven't done this, so don't LART me if it doesn't
work :-)

Hope this helps.


Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                What, me worry ?                    Don't Panic !

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