On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 07:43:10PM +0530, Prahlad Vaidyanathan wrote:
> Thu, 01 Nov 2001 17:02:36 +0530

> Been using mutt for a couple of months now, and have begun
> to find many interesting apps written for mutt, viz. abook,
> muttprint, etc.
> Also, apps called by mutt to handle mime types are varied -
> some good, some bad. I am trying to collate a list of such
> packages (the good ones), to make a comprehensive list
> newbies could make great use of.

I have some discussion of the applications I use with mutt, especially
those I use for decoding non-text MIME attachments, here:



Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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