There is a problem. Mutt v1 will pass the mail to sendmail by default and it also passes some arguments which smail, linked to sendamil, does not understand. As a result, the mails are send to /ver/spool/smail/error rather than /ver/spool/smail/input. Frankly, I am not sure smail v3.2 is working properly in the first place. The smail binary that I have does not have documentation and when I issue smail on the prompt after getting online it says "smail [flags] address".
>Neo Sze Wee <mutt> [27/10/01 13:54 +0000]: >> thank you. >As long as Smail is up and running there shouldnt be any problem at all >Mutt doesn't care what is on localhost:25 as long as it exists. > -srs >------------------------------ _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at