On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 06:10:21PM -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:

> Ah, oops. I must have misunderstood :)
> Well, the gist I got from the subscription email that I got sent when I
> joined, it only takes one bounced message for the list to unsubscribe
> me. I guess if my mail server went down temporarily... Stupid ISP, now I
> have to phone and bitch :)

It's a semi manual process, if mails start bouncing, then they
will get unsub'ed after a while.

Unfortunately it's not easy to tell always whether it's a
transitory failure, or something more permanent.

The biggest pain is Hotmail, which on occassion will start
dropping lots of email, then go back to "normal" service.

Other pains are when people misconfigure procmail recipes
and then their mail starts bouncing too.

Unfortunately when list traffic is high, this causes a hugh
burden on the list-admin(s) who has a real job not just looking
after the list ;)


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