On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 06:41:31PM -0400, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
> I believe it's supposed to be a very small, not very configurable IMAP
> client.
This was sort of a side project that I haven't really done much with. I
was experimenting with ways of only loading part of the index display to
speed up reading of large mailboxes. This was motivated by a discussion
I had with Brendan over on #mutt (irc.openprojects.net) about ways to
speed up the process, and adding isync-like functionality to Mutt proper.
I don't really care for IMAP, but I'm forced to use it at work because we
have an Exchange server. Switching between IMAP mailboxes is a rather
painful experience IMO, which I why I wrote isync so I could continue using
Pup was not intended to be a Mutt-replacement, and I have no itention of
starting over again. :-)
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