On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 01:18:32PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % 
> % First of all, I'd like to see the hostname portion of the Message-ID in
> ...
> % way to do this.  I guess I could set up a procmail recipe to put it in
> % the subject or something, but that seems rather ugly.
> Yes, it does; I'd think that poking at the From: header would be better.
> In either case, though, I don't know how you'd display in the index from
> the MessageID.

I got this working using Simon Cozens' Mail::Audit perl module:
It's a great replacement for procmail.  It's very easy to extract the
hostname from the Message-Id but took a trick to rewrite the From: header.

require Mail::Audit;
my $mail   = Mail::Audit->new;
my $from   = $mail->from();
my $header = $mail->header();
if ($from =~ /root\@/) {
        $header =~ /Message-Id: \<.*\@(.*)\..*\..*\>/;
        $mail->put_header("From-orig:", "$from");
        $mail->{obj}->head->replace("From:", "root\@$1"); #see Mail::Internet

The trick is to reach around Mail::Audit to its parent, Mail::Internet,
to rewrite the From: header.  And I saved the original From: header in
a new From-orig: header line.

        -- Dave

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