> % 
> % send-hook "." "set signature='echo -n "Uptime: "; uptime \
> %      | sed "s/.*up\(.*\),\ \+[0-9]\+\ user.*/\1/"|'"
> That is one way to do it, and a fine way at that.  You could lose the
> quotes around the . regexp, though, and you may have some troubles with
> the nested quotes around Uptime.  Try some experimentation.

Played with it for 20 minutes list night and ended up putting it into the
separate script...

So now i got 

send-hook . "set signature='~/.mutt/uptime|'"
send-hook "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "set signature=~/.mutt/.signature-expedition"

> % 
> % -- 
> % '01 XLT 2X4
> % 4.6L Triton V8
> So how do you like your toy? :-)

I absolutely love it. This is my first American made vehicle and i do not
regret that i bought it, should of went with the more expensive XLT


Uptime : 50 days, 11:18

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