On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 10:14:28AM -0400, Jim Toth muttered:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 07:58:24AM -0600, Charles Curley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
> >
> > Is anyone using mutt/gpg to change records at Network Solutions using
> > pgp? I seem unable to send a change to them which their software will
> > accept. Their error message is less than lucid.
> Really? Seemed pretty clear...
> [snip]
> > 1. Your PGP signed message was MIME-encapsulated. Most Windows based
> > e-mail applications will perform this conversion. Currently, we cannot
> > support PGP signed messages that have been MIME-encapsulated.
> Do a
> <colon>set pgp_traditional=yes
> before sending to them and a
> <colon>set pgp_traditional=no
> (setting it to how it should be) afterwards.
I did the equivalent: I saved to a file, edited, signed the file, and
sent that in the body of a message. It still didn't work. For future
use, I will keep this in mind.
I just got off the phone with one of their support people. It appears
that the change from mail-from authorization to PGP authorization had
gotten lost or something, so they had me still as mail-from. So no
amount of finagling would have helped. And of course, their brain-dead
software that ships a generic error message on any error sent
incorrect diagnostics.
> And mock them for not implementing the standard. :-)
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