* Volker Moell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [19-10-2001 08:56]:

| > You don't _have_ to split up your .muttrc. It's just a feature, and it
| > has it's uses.
| Well, really? This would be great for me. But I don't know how to write
| only one muttrc when switching my digfferent identity settings on pres-
| sing a key (F11/F12).  Is there really a mechanism to do this *without*
| sourcing separate files?

You know there is ;)

macro index <F11> ":set foo=bla<enter>\
                   :set bar=bla<enter>\
                   :set ...


                   :set bart_simpson=crazy<enter>\

And then, of course:

macro index <F12> ":set...
                        ... everything
                             ... back to what it was..."   

But, when you want to set the same options in different situations,
you end up with a whole lot of redundant "code" in your .muttrc

So you'd be better of sourcing some files ;)

René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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