That's what I do. All that happens is the cursor moves to the next file name.
The manual notes that typing upper case A allows for tagging and attaching multiple messages (not files) and that works for me. The manual makes no mention of tagging files...only messages. So, no luck here so far. On 10/17/01, 05:43:40PM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote: > On Wed 17 Oct 2001, John P. Verel wrote: > > Hi. I sometimes want to attach multiple files from the same directory. > > I've tried to tag while in the attachment menu, but no luck. Couldn't > > find anything in the on-line help. The ? indicated t for tag in the > > attachment menu. What am I missing. > > just hit "t" to tag an attachment, just like you tag messages > > igor > > -- > Uptime: 45 days, 17:57 -- John P. Verel Norwalk, Connecticut