On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 10:58:00AM -0400, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
> % > Just adding the subfolders to your mailboxes list works fine -- I used
> % > Mutt with IMAP for months after sorting server-side with procmail.
> %
> % That doesn't work for local mbox folders, though :)
> Why not?
Whoops, perhaps I was not clear. Procmail works fine, what I meant was,
simply defining an mbox with the mailbox command doesn't work, because
when you leave a folder with new mail, mutt forgets about it. And I feel
that mutt not telling me I have new mail when I do have new mail is a
problem :P
> % If you leave a folder with new messages, mutt will 'forget' that there
> % are new messages in it -- very annoying.
> No, no, no... You're confusing your definition of "new" with mutt's
> definition of "new" again. Until Steven says he means something else,
> we'll assume that he's doing it our way :-)
I know very well that mutt and I disagree on what is new mail and what
isn't. I also happen to know that I'm right, mutt is wrong, and I can
trick mutt into agreeing with me. :D
Rob 'Feztaa' Park
Any given program, when running, is obsolete.
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