Sharukh --

...and then Dr . Sharukh K . R . Pavri . said...
% Yes, i finally got it sorted out. I had to give the editor value in
% .bash_profile.

Do you mean that you had to set EDITOR= in your .bash_profile file at
all, or that you had to put whatever $EDITOR is (from .bash_profile)
directly into your muttrc file?

In the case of the latter, you could go back to $EDITOR in your muttrc
file and be sure to export EDITOR in your .bash_profile file.

% It works now.

*That* is the important part :-)

% regards,
% Sharukh.


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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