On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 11:33:22AM -0700, Taner Halicioglu wrote:
> Hmm... this doesn't seem to exist any more, and I want to alter the regexp
> for url detection...
> how can I do it now?
> I didn't find an obvious answer in the manual, but I didn't dig all that
> far...
> mutt 1.2.5, btw...

For say coloring them or for locating them like urlview does?

For coloring you do something like so:
#  match ftp addresses:
   color body cyan black   "ftp://[^ ]*"
#  match http addresses:
   color body brightgreen black   
#  match URLs:
   color body        cyan     default "<URL:[^ ]*>"
   color error       red      black   # global

#  Colorize
   color body        cyan   black   "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ ]*"

For urlview edit: $HOME/.urlview
Edit the REGEXP entry.  If you don't have one read man urlview.


"Before you set out for revenge dig two graves."
- Chinese Saying

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