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I'm using the pgp_create_traditional and pgp_outlook_compat settings to
generate old (yes, "broken") PGP messages (without the PGP/MIME headers).  I
also have my procmail set up to insert these headers when it intercepts
something that looks like a PGP message, that doesn't already have the headers.

However, if I send an encrypted message to someone else, and savea copy to an
Fcc, it never goes through procmail, and thus never gets the header inserted,
and so, when I go to view it, I just get the raw text of the PGP message -
which is (hopefully!) completely indecipherable.

What's the cleanest way to fix this?  I could set up a macro that just runs
formail and inserts it when I ask it to, but I'd rather set something up that
automatically notices (like procmail does) and inserts the header, allowing
Mutt to do all its GPG fanciness transparently.

Any ideas?

- -- 
Zane A. Crawford              ,    +      *         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Caltech Planetary Science       .       .    +      https://ideotrope.org
BS, E&AS, Caltech 1998             __o              "War is Peace.
home : 626.585.1712              _`\<,_              Freedom is Slavery. 
work : 626.395.6981             (*)/ (*)             Ignorance is Strength."
cell : 626.437.2562                                      - Big Brother
PGP  : 0x55E0815F (request from http://pgp.mit.edu)

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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