Lukas --

...and then Lukas Ruf said...
% Hi there,


% for a couple of months I am using mutt, under Linux since it's been
% So the question: where can I define the color default
% such that the configuration of my muttrc:
%     color normal   default  default # normal text
% works.

I don't know much about color, but this sounds familiar.  Are you
compiled with ncurses or slang?  In the case of the latter, I think you
set an environment variable FOREGROUND or DEFAULTFG or some such (and the
same for background).  You might check the archives...

% Thanks for any help!


% Lukas
% -- 
% Lukas Ruf                        Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
% Office: ETZ-G61.2                             Computer Engineering and
% Phone: +41/1/632 7312                        Networks Laboratory (TIK)
% Fax:   +41/1/632 1035                                      ETH Zentrum
% PGP 2.6: ID D20BA2ED;                                    Gloriastr. 35
% Fingerprint 6323 B9BC 9C8E 6563  B477 BADD FEA6 E6B7    CH-8092 Zurich

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