I received an email from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]": Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Non-member submission from "R. Leponce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Your submission to the list has been forwarded to the list owner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for approval because you do not seem to be on that list. If you want to join the list, send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, with "subscribe mutt-users" in the message text (not the subject). ---- even if I was subscribed before with "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" So I unsubsrcibe "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and subscribe again "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The first email is a forwarded one and the second is the good one. R. == René Clerc [2001 October 03 - 17:49 +0200] == | * R. Leponce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-10-2001 17:44]: | | [duplicate message] | | Is everybody receiving these duplicate messages? What's going on? | | -- | René Clerc - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | | Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. | -Jules Renard -- <popop> c quoi le + util, Perl ou Delphi ?