
I want to know if it's possible to fetch differents mail boxes
(different user names and different passwords) on the same pop server
at once fith the "G" command.

And after i want to save the mails  in different folders.
I will filter them in the headers.
if i understand, i can do this with : "mailboxes and mbox-hook"
But can i have the choice to this either by the "To:", "From:" or "Subject:"
headers .


on the pop server i want to fetch from

user:           passwd:

pascal          Abcd
admin           qsdf
doc             mlkj


on the host:

pascal          Abcd

for admin i want to filter messages
from Cron, root, mailer-deamon etc etc

for doc 
from debian-laptop, debian-security, mutt-users, squidguard-user etc etc

for pascal
by "subject" and/or by "from".

Thanks a lot


PS: excuse me for my bad english.

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