On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 12:18:49AM -0400, Mat?j Cepl wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:54:53 -0400, Nelson D. Guerrero wrote:
> > Did you try building mutt with --enable-locales-fix
> > It has always worked for me.
> Well, I have downloaded mutt- and VVV patches (together
> with his .spec file; all from http://mutt.org.ua/download) to my
> RedHat 7.0, compiled via rpm -ba and resulting mutt works with
> accented characters just fine (no surprise, VVV is from Ukraine).

After getting the accent characters working myself (by making sure my
LC_CTYPE and/or LANG vars are set properly), I received this message,
which contains numerous characters (particularly in the sender's name
and signature) that are still displayed as '?'  characters.  I'm
assuming that's because it contains characters that can not be
represented by my character set?  Or is that something that the VVV
patches do?

Derek Martin          |   Unix/Linux geek
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
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