On wto, 25 wrz, in tucznik.ml.mutt-users, you wrote:

>     mail $ test -f ./sluzebni/; echo $?
>     1
>     mail $ test -d ./sluzebni/; echo $?
>     0

> If understand my bash manpage well, the second command should 
> produce 1 too. Have you any idea why it doesn't? I am using bash 

        No, it shouldn't. :) When value '1' is returned, when test
was failed, so in the first example test command tells that
object ./sluzebni is not a file. In the second case value is 
zero becouse test was passwd. :)

Greets, Nova.
= Mariusz Droździel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * 2:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

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