On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 11:10:54PM +0200, René Clerc wrote:
> * Derek D. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [24-09-2001 22:58]:
> | While I  won't disagree with  you if  I think  this  is paranoid,  you
> | should know that  I have interviewed people (more  than one)  who have
> | told me  point blank that  they hook sniffers up  to their servers and
> | see what they can read,  just for fun, at their  present jobs at ISPs.
> | Personally, I find this intollerable.
> I think it's a nice feature you describe. I don't have the answer, but
> if someone has, I'll benefit from it too!

Since you said so,  I CC:'d the list so  they'll know I'm not the only
one who's paranoid...  =8^) I mean, so the developers will know others
find this feature desireable.  I hope you don't mind...

> The reason why I'm mailing you is the following question:
> Your email body is justified. How do you do this? With vim somehow?
> Could you explain this to me?

Ah... Ancient Chinese  secret!  Well, maybe  not.  I use xemacs as  my
mail editor, and  post mode which someone  was kind enough  to tell me
about (though  I'm not sure it's  required for that feature).  M-1 M-q
will fully justify your paragraphs.   As it happens, I discovered that
feature  by  accident  when  my    finger slipped.   :)  Xemacs   does
everything!  (probably too much, actually.)  I haven't figured out how
to make it  automatically   justify, so I    do it manually  for  each
paragraph, which is o.k. for short e-mails...

> You'll want to change your signature to start with sigdashes
> (dash-dash-space) in stead of "just" two dashes...

Yeah... I switched computers, and have no .sig file on this one, so I
typed it by hand...  :) Mutt does the right thing if you've got a sig
file.  Sorry.

PGP signature

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