Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> alexus <mutt> [16/09/01 04:16 -0400]:

> > whenever i send emails from my box i get . (dot) before my hostname
> > in field from why didn't it detect properly?
> Post your muttrc (the relevant parts at least)
> > From:
> D'you have a misconfigured my_hdr from field?

also if there's an /etc/mailname make sure that has the right value in
there (you can always do set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or use a
'my_hdr From:) to override whatever mutt is doing by default, but might
as well fix whatever the problem is as well.

you might also check the system Muttrc.


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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