On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 05:59:28AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % If I now choose for example 'INBOX' and type <return>, I just get
> % another folder list with one entry
> Can you, however, choose either of your other two examples and then
> arrive at the mail folder, or do you have this problem with all of them?

I've the problem with all folders.

> % 
> %  1    IMAP +        ../
> % 
> % but I'd rather like (and expect) mutt to open the specified folder.
> My vague recollection is that a trailing / means that it's a directory,
> which is also indicated by the ../ "in" the folder.  Would you mind
> trying
>   mutt -f imap://server/INBOX
>   mutt -f imap://server/INBOX/
>   mutt -f imap://server/INBOX.

none of these work.
but I can indeed select the files with <space> instead of <return>.
That's pretty much ok (although letting mutt decide if it should
open it as folder or as file would be even better)

Thanks for your help.


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