Matt Spong wrote:
> While we're on the subject of GPG, why is it that mutt's method of
> signing messages seems to differ from that of every other mailer on
> the planet?  It doesn't seem to recognize some signatures, either (for
> example, those of Jean-Sebastien Morisset on this list) - the text of
> the signature is simply included in the message rather than being run
> the GPG for verification.

my understanding is that the old method of signing (with everything
included in the text) is deprecated because it can only handle one (ie
the US) character set.  PGP/MIME is the new standard but as yet is not
implemented by all clients (and can result in unreadable output in
outlook apparently).

you can set an option to use the old style of encryption; i'm not sure
if there's an easy way to make mutt automatically check signatures that
use the old style method, although i'm sure a quick search on google
would turn up something regarding this.


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

GPG Public Key:

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