Jean-Sebastien Morisset schrieb:

> > What kind of output? Can you give a dump?
> After I select the key, GnuPG displays:
> ---BEGIN---
> gpg: using secondary key BB114335 instead of primary key C9B99AE1
> gpg: No trust check due to --always-trust option
> gpg: writing to `-'
> gpg: ELG-E/CAST5 encrypted for: BB114335 sberube
> gpg: DSA signature from: C61A8A78 Jean-Sebastien Morisset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Press any key to continue...
> ---END---
> What I'd like is to select the key, enter my passphrase (if necessary) and
> have the e-mail encrypted and sent. Pressing enter after reviewing what
> looks like normal screen output is a pain. :-)

Try this (one line):

set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap /usr/bin/gpg --batch --quiet
--no-verbose --output -+ --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust
-- -r %r -- %f"

I don't know how it works (but it does), it comes with newer version of
mutt (contrib/gpg.rc) and there isn't any screen output after


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