On 2001.09.16, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "David T-G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> % Quoting FreeBSD's "man sh" [from the listing of special parameters]:
> % |   @       Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one.
> % |           When the expansion occurs within double-quotes, each
> Aha!  I don't use BSD (yet), so I don't have access to that, or at least
> hadn't thought to search the web for a copy of the freebsd sh man page.
> My linux system doesn't even have a man page for sh, preferring info or
> whatever it is, and Solaris doesn't mention it at all.

Solaris does, just differently. The section on ${parameter} says first
that if the parameter is "*" or "@", all positional parameters are
substituted. Later, in the section on quoting, it says that if "$@"
is encased in double-quotes, then the pos'nal params are quoted, and
separated by unquoted spaces. Searching the manual for "@" shows this.

> % (Prominent example: just now while writing this mail, i saw for the
> % first time how ${1+"$@"} works.  Ingenious approach, even if a bit
> I see that "$@" protects argument expansion; what does the 1 mean?  And I
> don't have a Solaris box handy to look in a man page to reference what +
> means; I only use :- on a regular basis.

>From Solaris's sh(1):
           If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute  word;
           otherwise substitute nothing.
     If the colon (:) is omitted from the above expressions,  the
     shell only checks whether parameter is set or not.

":+" is the flipside of ":-" -- ":-" substitutes if parameter doesn't
have a non-null value, but ":+" substitutes if it does.

So ${1+"$@"} means to substitute all args, quoted, if there is a first
argument (null or not). It's equivalent to "$@" alone on most systems
I've seen. ${1:+"$@"} is not equivalent.

> % redundant.  Most probably in the context of the tip you found it in it
> % was a workaround for a shell that didn't handle a plain "$@" correctly?)

It's possible that some shells might issue an error evaluating "$@" if
no arguments are present. csh(1) does this by design when evaluating
any variable. This is the kind of behavior I wouldn't be surprised to
see in older versions of AIX, for example; it's sometimes been fairly
strict in its response to undefined conditions. Most systems substitute
nothing if there are no args. UNIX98 requires this, but I can't say with
certainty that prior versions of this standards family require anything
particular, so ${1+"$@"} might well be needed for backward compatibility
to POSIX or XPG or something. I don't know where to find these standards
online; the Open Group no longer offer previous editions to SUS.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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