Steve --

Sorry for the delay in responding...

...and then Steve said...
% On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 08:44:01AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > ...and then Steve said...
% > % I'm having a problem finding the relevant entry or `how to' in the
% > % manual on doing the following:
% > % 
% > % mapping check-mail.
% > 
% > Hmmm...  I'm not exactly sure what you mean, since I can't find a
% > check-mail function anywhere.  I see that you're using 1.3.21, so you
% > probably don't even mean check-new, which was in 1.2 but isn't in 1.3
% > (or so it seems to me, but I haven't followed the 1.3 tree much at all).
% > 
% > Can you give us more detail or rephrase the question?
% Sure in my pager, at the bottom is a listing showing unmapped funtions -
% check-mail is one of them.

Son of a gun; I just can't find it.  I actually *did* find check-new in
1.3, but I still don't see check-mail.

I guess one of the developers is going to have to step up to this part.

% > % 
% > % I've found how to alter an already mapped entry, but not how to ceate
% > % one. Suggestions?
% > 
% > If you mean creating a new function, then you need to whip out your
% > editor and compiler :-)
% > 
% > You can bind any function to any key, be either already bound or not,
% > with a simple :bind command (or in your muttrc file).
% Ok I tried to do this from within mutt, as the manual says one can do to
% *re-map*, so logically I figured one could *map* unmapped keys as well.


% Well I would think a command to check for new mail, would be basic. Am I
% missing something here? For some reason with my configuration, I have to

Maybe that's why I'm confused.  If you mean to pop down new mail, the pop
function is bound by default to 'G' -- but it's also generally
recommended that you use fetchmail or the like instead.

Meanwhile, if you're using IMAP or reading a regular spool file or dir
and simply want to know when new mail arrives for you ... just don't do
anything!  How basic is that? :-)

% do an operation before mutt tells me there is new mail, it doesn't tell
% me if I leave it sitting static. So when looking through the pager to

Ahhh...  Your $timeout is probably set to zero or you're not waiting
the full 600 seconds of the default setting.  [I'm annoying; I have
mine cranked down to 60 :-]  That variable controls how long it should
take for mutt to give up on your doing anything (when, as you have seen,
it will also check) and check for new mail anyway.

% see what the key command would be to check for new mail, I see that at  
% it's unmapped - but mentioned specifically. Surely one can map this
% command from within mutt similar to remapping?

I should think you could.

% I guess I'm overlooking something obvious - just can't see the forest
% for the trees at this point? <g>

Perhaps *now* we're on track :-)

HTH & HAND again

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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