Hi list,
I recently switched to using Mutt for all my mail. Sure
do like it ! But I do miss some tools I had back when
using ELM, namely frm and nfrm. frm listed all mails
in a specified mailbox (or $MAIL if none was specified)
and nfrm listed all new mails (I think nfrm was a
specialized form of frm, but I'm not sure).
Where are these great tools ? Can I simply run mutt
with some commandline options - I did not find these
in mutt(1). Should I build these from the source tree
with some special make target (make nfrm) ? Do they
not exist (but WHY !? ;-) ?
Current solution would be downloading elm, compiling
these tools and installing them by hand.
Any thoughts ?
Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd