Peter --
...and then Peter Lavender said...
% Hi Everyone,
% I've been presented with the requirement to pick up email from my
% works server, using an alternate email address. Problem is that I
% need to do this fairly quickly.
Isn't it always that way? :-)
% I'm sure this is a fairly common thing, I would appreciate if there is
% one a pointer to configuring fetchmail, procmail and mutt to chuck the
% mail into it's own mail file and have mutt know what email address to
% use and which signature to use.
I don't know of a single pointer, but it should be easy enough.
fetchmail comes with its own docs, and other folks here use it, so I'll
simply say "point it to your POP server and download the mail". BTW,
I've heard that it really is better to use fetchmail than the built-in
POP support.
procmail is similar, and trivially easy in this case. Your mail will
be addressed to that certain other address, so you could whip up a
procmailrc about like
# General variables
# Folders
:0 :
* TO otheraddress
to tell procmail to drop mail addressed to "otheraddress" in the To:
or Cc: headers into a file F.other in your mail dir ($HOME/Mail in
this case). Anything that doesn't match will fall through and (in the
absence of other rules that might catch it) land in your default mail
file, which in this example is $HOME/Mailbox (rather than in /var/spool).
For more info, see the man page for procmailrc.
Finally we get to mutt, then. One way is to set $alternates to let
mutt know all of the addresses that you use (always handy, actually),
and set $reverse_reply to make mutt set your email address to "that to
which the email was sent". Another way, since you've conveniently used
procmail to stuff all of these into their own folder, is to use a folder
hook in your muttrc about like
folder-hook . my_hdr 'From: My Default <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
folder-hook F.other my_hdr 'From: My OtherAddress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
to set your From header by default to your normal address but to your
other address whenever you switch into your other folder. For more info,
of course, see the manual.
% Many thanks,
% Pete.
% --
% Due to a lack of imagination,
% this signature will remain
% under construction indefinately.
Run it through a spell checker, though ;-)
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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