Hi again --

...and then David T-G said...
% than to some number greater or less than zero.  I did a doc patch for 1.2,
% and here it is for in anticipation of 1.4 coming out.

D'oh -- thanks to Cedric for noticing my little error.  Here's version 2.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

diff -urN mutt- mutt-
--- mutt-   Thu Aug 30 17:28:49 2001
+++ mutt-        Sun Sep  9 14:32:03 2001
@@ -2648,9 +2648,11 @@
 # to finish before giving up and putting delivery in the background.
 # Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:
-# >0      number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before continuing
-# 0       wait forever for sendmail to finish
-# <0      always put sendmail in the background without waiting
+# greater than 0      number of seconds to wait for sendmail to 
+#                     finish before continuing
+#              0      wait forever for sendmail to finish
+#    less than 0      always put sendmail in the background 
+#                     without waiting
 # Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
diff -urN mutt- mutt-
--- mutt-        Thu Aug 30 17:29:00 2001
+++ mutt-     Sat Sep  8 08:41:00 2001
@@ -2459,9 +2459,9 @@
 <P>Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:
-<DT><B>&gt;0 </B><DD><P>number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before 
+<DT><B>greater than 0 </B><DD><P>number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish 
+before continuing
 <DT><B>0  </B><DD><P>wait forever for sendmail to finish
-<DT><B>&lt;0 </B><DD><P>always put sendmail in the background without waiting
+<DT><B>less than 0 </B><DD><P>always put sendmail in the background without waiting
 <P>Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
diff -urN mutt- mutt-
--- mutt-  Thu Aug 30 17:28:49 2001
+++ mutt-       Sun Sep  9 07:04:55 2001
@@ -5377,9 +5377,9 @@
 Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:
-<tag>&gt;0 </tag>number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before continuing
+<tag>greater than 0 </tag>number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before 
 <tag>0  </tag>wait forever for sendmail to finish
-<tag>&lt;0 </tag>always put sendmail in the background without waiting
+<tag>less than 0 </tag>always put sendmail in the background without waiting
diff -urN mutt- mutt-
--- mutt-   Thu Aug 30 17:28:55 2001
+++ mutt-        Sun Sep  9 07:13:07 2001
@@ -5271,12 +5271,12 @@
   Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:
-     >>00 number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before
-        continuing
+     ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann 00 number of seconds to wait for sendmail to 
+                    before continuing
-     00  wait forever for sendmail to finish
+     00              wait forever for sendmail to finish
-     <<00 always put sendmail in the background without waiting
+     lleessss tthhaann 00    always put sendmail in the background without 
   Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
   process will be put in a temporary file.  If there is some error, you
diff -urN mutt- mutt-
--- mutt-   Thu Aug 30 17:28:49 2001
+++ mutt-        Sun Sep  9 07:20:41 2001
@@ -3281,20 +3281,21 @@
 Mutt interprets the value of this variable as follows:
-.IP >0 
+\fBgreater than 0\fP
 number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before continuing
-.IP 0  
 wait forever for sendmail to finish
-.IP <0 
+\fBless than 0\fP
 always put sendmail in the background without waiting
 Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
 process will be put in a temporary file.  If there is some error, you
 will be informed as to where to find the output.

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