
I've put a new version of my abook patch and its accompanying
scripts to 

(please note the new address).

It makes the usage of mutt's PGP features more comfortable as you
can turn on encryption/signing interactivly in abook for certain

The patch itself has not changed, so if you have already applied it,
you don't need to recompile abook again. 

The CHANGES are:

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- abook2mutt.py:
    * New option -d for abook2mutt.py which prevents it from creating 
      default hooks 
    * Generated hooks don't expect specific defaults anymore

- mail2abook.py (formerly alias.py)
    * Python readline module is not imported any more 
      (hasn't worked anyway :)

- abook_wrapper
    * New wrapper script for calling abook/abook2mutt.py from mutt
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Thanks to Jean-Sebastien Morisset for his suggestions.


Robin Sommer        * Room         36.1/309 * PGP key       0x7833816E 
Saarland University * Phone (0681) 302-6544 * http://www.net.uni-sb.de 

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