Hi, I've put a new version of my abook patch and its accompanying scripts to http://www.net.uni-sb.de/~robin/abook (please note the new address). It makes the usage of mutt's PGP features more comfortable as you can turn on encryption/signing interactivly in abook for certain recipients. The patch itself has not changed, so if you have already applied it, you don't need to recompile abook again. The CHANGES are: ----- cut ------------------------------------------------------------ - abook2mutt.py: * New option -d for abook2mutt.py which prevents it from creating default hooks * Generated hooks don't expect specific defaults anymore - mail2abook.py (formerly alias.py) * Python readline module is not imported any more (hasn't worked anyway :) - abook_wrapper * New wrapper script for calling abook/abook2mutt.py from mutt ----- cut ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to Jean-Sebastien Morisset for his suggestions. Robin -- Robin Sommer * Room 36.1/309 * PGP key 0x7833816E Saarland University * Phone (0681) 302-6544 * http://www.net.uni-sb.de