Denis --

...and then Denis Perelyubskiy said...
% hello,


% sorry, but could not find answer to this on a web page.
% every time i mail the list, i get one of the auto-responders
% replying that such and such person is not with the company

Yeah; some people have gone without cleaning up.

I wonder, though, why I don't see those.  What such-and-such do you get,
and is it every time, or a new one now and again?

% anymore, and i should contact someone else for questions.
% (i wont mention that i think whoever set that thing up
% screwed up, but anyway...)


% so, i was wondering if there is a 'human' i could mail to
% see if they could get the person of the list? 

Nope.  (Well, NAFAIK; this sort of thing came up a while ago, IIRC.)

% thanks,


% denis
% -- 
% // mailto: Denis Perelyubskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% // icq   : 12359698
% // PGP   :

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