Morten, et al --
...and then Morten Liebach said...
% Yo!
% I'm trying to communicate encrypted with an Outlook user using PGP 7.0,
% and I'm using mutt 1.3.21i and GnuPG-1.0.6.
Ah, the things we do to work with the business world... :-)
% I think I saw a way to encrypt with gpg and mutt so that Outlook users
% don't get it as an attachment, but I can't find it again?
The best that I have seen is Shane Wegener's pgp_outlook_compat patch.
If you have no choice but to send PGP in The Wrong Format, it's the way
to go. It should be in the archives from last fall (er, maybe summer).
AFAIK, Shane doesn't have it up on a web page, since he sent me the
latest version by mail after I asked him for its status, but you can find
it at my mutt site. Surf over to
to view my current workspace (getting all 1.2.5 patches brought up to for 1.4 soon) and, in particular, grab
from there. Enjoy!
% When I get an encrypted email I have to pipe the body through
% 'gpg --decrypt | less' to read it, and it's inconvenient.
Now, that's interesting -- unless you're speaking of the LookOut! side,
in which case it's not unexpected.
% How can I make PGP 7.0 messages readable by mutt? (I saw a procmail recipe
% once, even had it in my .prcmailrc once, but accidentally deleted it :-()
Are you perhaps looking for the recipes in PGP-Notes.txt in the distro?
% Thanks
% Morten
% --
% Morten Liebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,[~morten/]
% Key fingerprint = 43F0 B319 E12D 50A9 04C0 68B7 E34A 388E D796 A4EB
% BOFH excuse: Root name servers corrupted.
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
PGP signature