On 2001-09-04 16:22:33 -0500, Ben Jones wrote:

>When you say "strongly deprecated" do you mean by Mutt's standards 
>or by an official standard. If the latter, would you mind pointing 
>me to a reference for my reading enjoyment? Not that I'm 
>challenging you, because I'm not. I'd just like to lessen my 
>ignorance on the topic.

Old-style PGP isn't cleanly specified, and has problems with 
non-us-ascii character sets.  It kind of works when you are doing 
text-e-mail in English, but that's all.

PGP/MIME doesn't have this problem, and is cleanly specified (RFC 

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/

PGP signature

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