On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 02:56:19PM -0400, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> Thus spake Arvid Warnecke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Hm, sorry I don't think that I uderstood that :-( You want to encrypt
> > _and_ not encrypt the same mail when you send it to two people where
> > you have only a key for one of those persons?  If so, I have no idea
> > how to handle that. Sorry.
> No, because I know that that can't be done -- you need to send twice.
> What I'm talking about is Mutt using the send hook for my "special
> list", but not using it when it's a combination of list and non-list.
> In other words, only using the send-hook when I'm addressing the people
> in the send-hook exclusively.  
> Hope I've clarified.  
I think so ;)

So, you wan't to use a special alias-file where all people are in, you
have a key for?
Maybe you can use some kind of grep command to lookup the address in the
file. If it is found set pgp_autoencrypt, if not unset it.
But I have no idea how to grep for that in your muttrc file.

Best regards,

 .''`. [Arvid Warnecke] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [05323-715724]
: :' : [ICQ 55906559] [ http://up.to/suck ] [PGP-Subject:"get pgp key"]
`. `'  Linux 2.4.2 i686  XFree86 Version 4.0.2  Uptime: 4 days, 11:55
  `--  BOFH #327: The POP server is out of Coke

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