On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 10:39:28AM +0200, Christian Kurz wrote:

Thanks to Christian Kurz and Aaron Schrab, for showing me my mistake with
the config. I've taken off the send-hook, and now all is well.

> No, there's not bug in mutt, but your configuration is causing this
> behaviour. First you change your folder to hostmaster, which means that
> the following folder-hooks will be executed:
> |folder-hook hostmaster unmy_hdr from
> |folder-hook hostmaster my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |folder-hook hostmaster set record==hostmaster.sen
> But if you reply now to a mail, your send-hook will be executed after
> mutt gathered the initial list of recipients:
> |send-hook . my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This one will set your from address back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] So reading
> the documentation, especially the parts about when which kind of hook
> will be executed, is helpful. You'll just need to fix your
> configuration.

Anand Buddhdev

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