Jeff E. Kinzli wrote:
> Perhaps it's an unwritten feature, but if not I think it would help to
> have it - that is, when editing an input field (like subject, Cc:,
> To:, etc.) it would be nice to be able to non-destructively jump
> backwards by a word instead of one character at a time.  backwards,
> but if you want to go through a long list of Cc: addresses or

i don't know if there's a way to change the bindings, or if they're tied
to your shell bindings, but the standard emacs key bindings seem to
work.  ESC-f works for me (and ESC-l as well) for forwards word, and
ESC-b for backward-word.  

perhaps your line editor key bindings in mutt change based on your
shell?   in any event ESC-B (and control-b to go back a word, control-w
to go to the beginning of a line) should do what you want.


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