On (23/08/01 23:38), Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Ailbhe Leamy <mutt> [23/08/01 18:24 +0100]:
> > # apt-get install mutt Reading Package Lists... Done
> cd /usr/ports/mail/mutt-devel make install clean
> [yes, you have to switch to freebsd, but that's a minor detail <g>]
I'm way too lazy to look after all my interdependencies myself. I just
hadn't realised how much stuff had changed since my last upgrade.
Next spare box we have in the house is going to be a Windows game box.
After that, maybe FreeBSD. Or OpenBSD. I have equal numbers of
OneTrueWayists recommending both.
Homepage: http://ailbhe.ossifrage.net/