On 23.08.2001 10:45:25 Thomas Roessler wrote:

> Ouch.  PLEASE make sure that (1) swapping isn't necessary, (2) your
> CPU is mostly idle when you do measurements, (3) mutt (or, for that
> matter, evolution) is the only process which competes for disk
> access.

Yes, I do know this.  But, the system wasn't really busy, and those huge
differences which I found cannot be due to some other process running.  Maybe if
I had tested it only once or twice - but I didn't.  It was constantly in same
area like I listed.

> That's interesting - seems to translate to less disk accesses per
> unit time, which could mean that evolution is a bit slower at
> opening maildir folders.

Yes, that's right, and yes, Evolution is slower at the very first time.

> Now, such a cache will have to introduce explicit locking with
> maildir folders.  But the entire point with this folder format is

Yep, I don't understand this either.

> Try a newer version. Someone has contributed a patch which improves
> mutt's threading algorithm to O( n log n ); it is in mutt-1.3.21.

I will!  Thanks!

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