,----[ To [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) dijo sobre "set subject 
on send-hook?":
| [...]
| So here's my first question: is it possible to set the subject on a
| send-hook? I have some addresses for which I would like to prepend
| something like [info] or [urgent!] to the subject line and - obviously
| - I'd like to do it automagically. 

Replying to myself, and from the Mutt manual:

[...] Also note that my_hdr commands which modify recipient headers, or
the message's subject, don't have any effect on the current message
when executed from a send-hook. 

I suppose that this has to do with the fact that both the recipient
and the subject are set based on your own replies to the prompts.

Is this something that can be addressed in future versions of mutt?



|  F e r n a n   A g u e r o  |  B i o i n f o r m a t i c s  |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |      genoma.unsam.edu.ar      |

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