On Tuesday, Aug 14, 2001, Robin Sommer wrote:
> I've patched abook 0.4.13 a bit to make the usage of mutt's PGP
> features more comfortable. Perhaps this may be of some use for
> others as well. You can get it from
> http://www.uni-paderborn.de/~rsommer/abook-pgp.tgz
> The patch introduces three new address book properties for a person:
> - A flag indicating whether mails send to this recipient are to be
> encrypted and/or signed by default.
> - If encryption is activated, which key is be used for it
> - What the recipient does like more: PGP/MIME or old style
> application/pgp
Wow... this sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check it out. =) Maybe
you should send it to the abook developer(s) as well so it can be
Paul Cox <paul at coxcentral dot com>
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