Atiz --

First, you should include the list in your reply.  You're much more
likely to get an answer than if you send only to one person -- and, since
the person in question is I and I have been terribly busy and away from
the list, this reply is, in fact, a stroke of luck :-)

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% > Do you mean it never says "new mail in ..." or simply that it doesn't
% > tell you in the format you'd like?
% It newer says when I have new mail.

Hokay; then something is almost certainly checking your mail before mutt
gets to.  First, though, we should check your muttrc to make sure you're
specifying your mailboxes correctly.

Would you please include the output of

  egrep mailbox\|folder\|spool $HOME/.muttrc

(or wherever your muttrc file lives, like $HOME/.mutt/muttrc) so we can
see what's up?

% > The most common reason for not hearing about new mail, assuming you have
% > defined your mailboxes in your muttrc, is something else (like, say, your
% > shell) also checking for new mail.  If other programs are looking at the
% > files, mutt won't see the change (see below).
% Probably this is the case, but I do not know how/what to do to
% eliminate the problem. All I know is that when mail arrives, the MTA
% (which is Postfix) gives it to procmail, which i turn stores the mail
% in the appropriate mailbox in my ~/Mail directory.
% Now, I am not aware of any other program checking these mailboxes
% except mutt. But I certenly not shure :-(((

God places to start are your shell itself, mail-utility-bundled programs
like newmail (which comes with elm), and other mail checkers such as biff
or xbiff.  You must figure out what's checking your folders and stop it.

Are you only interested in new mail in your spool file, or do you want to
hear about a number of folders?

% > mutt doesn't keep such data, but instead only has a list of mailboxes
% > it knows to check.  mutt checks the mailboxes' timestamps to see if
% > the modification time (when mail was written into it) is later than the
% > access time (when the box was last read, or at least opened) and assumes
% > from that that new mail has arrived.
% Then how mutt determines what particular mail did I read,replied etc.
% in a mailbox? He must know it somehow to be able to determine the
% flags displayed in the mail listing.

Once you're in a mailbox, mutt of course has to load and parse the whole
thing, so *then* it maintains the rest of that data.  It would be much
too time-consuming, however, to fully load each mailbox just to whip up
the new mail folders listing.

% > Given that, you could implement a wrapper any way you wished, but I have
% > no idea how to get mutt to display the output of your wrapper instead of
% > its folder listing.  Good luck :-)
% I would not use mutts folder linsting :-)

Good :-)

% I wanted to write a little program which would show the folder
% listing instead of mutt (taking care of showing the new mail), and
% which would startt mutt when a folder is selected.

Sure, you could do that.  You could then even take the time to open every
mailbox and count the messages, perhaps even comparing the results
against a database so that you can see not only how many are still marked
new but how many are new sice the folder was opened and how many are new
since the folder was last checked -- three different definitions of new
which mutt also doesn't try to balance.

% A littlebit dumb thing to do something that is allready implemented, but
% that was the only thing I could figure out how to show what folders
% contain new mail.

If you want a count, then you need to implement that, and it sounds like
a kinda neat script.  But mutt does, indeed, have a way to get you the
basic information that something has been dropped in that folder -- as
long as some other program doesn't steal the timestamp by checking first.

% Atiz


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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