I don't think you can do this, becaue I too have asked before. This would
be REALLY useful.


Quoting Chris Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who wrote:
> on Tue,07 Aug 2001, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> > Greetings.
> > 
> > I'd like to set up a folder hook so that when entering a folder that looks 
> > like "=bar/foo", my From is set to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > 
> > While I know I can do this pretty easily with one folder hook per folder,
> > I wonder if I can use regex to simplify it.  For example, something like
> > 
> > folder-hook /=(\d+)/(\d)+/ set from_addr="samael-$2@$1.manxome.org"
> > 
> > (I know this is probably quite wrong.  I have less-than-extensive 
> > experience with mutt regex and hooks.  I wrote my muttrc and forgot about
> > it -- but I remember basically how it works.
> > 
> > I assume going back to normal can be handled with a simple !pattern...
> > 
> I could certainly make use of backreferences and in the process eliminate
> over 100 hooks in my muttrc.  I don't think there's a way of doing what
> you're describing - but I'd really appreciate it if I were proven wrong ;-)
> Chris
> --
>    We are not who we think we are. We are not who others think we are. We
>    are who we think others think we are. -Anonymous


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