Ken --
...and then Ken Weingold said...
% So sorry if this has been covered, but with mail coming from more
% plebian :) mailers, I find that quoted text will wrap, so the end of
*grin* At least they'll be threaded correctly, though, right?
% a quoted line does not have the '>' in the beginning. This of course
% messes up the coloring, so the little pieces of the previous quoted
% line is a different color. Anyone know a way of dealing with this?
I suppose a procmail rule to delete any mail from those users is out of
the question, right? :-) If I get annoyed I just 'e'dit the message,
'J'oin up the line(s) in vim, save it, and then read it again, but
the same thing (probably dropping even more to the next line thanks to
the additional indentation of two sets of quotes) will happen when the
message turns around again.
I could imagine a vim macro that would look for a line starting with
a few (well, mebbe one is valid) indent_string chars, another line
(maybe shorter than length X) without any, and another line with the
same number of indent_string chars and would then go back to the upper
line and join up the bare one...
% Thanks.
% -Ken
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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