On 2001.08.07, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Brian Salter-Duke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > macro index \Co "<pipe-message>addlist ~/.mutt/lists<enter>" "Scan a message for 
>mailing lists to add"
> > macro pager \Co "<pipe-message>addlist ~/.mutt/lists<enter>" "Scan a message for 
>mailing lists to add"
> To get these to work I had replace ~/.mutt etc with a full path to the
> file. ~ does not seem to work in mutt macros for me. The perl script

Interesting. I haven't actually used the script inside mutt, just with
some saved messages, since I don't really need this function. Should
that be considered a bug, Thomas?

> would be better if it tested whether the open statement actually worked.

I don't think it much matters. The only critical open is the formail,
whose success is tested. The "subscribe" file open shouldn't alter
behavior on failure, since it's allowed not to exist. The others will
cause a no-op on failure. I guess it depends how noisy you want it to
be, but absolutely quiet is what I prefer.

I guess the open on /dev/tty should check -- else it will add all
addresses found. Oh well.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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