Marco --
...and then Marco Fioretti said...
% Hello,
% I respectfully suggest that nobody wastes one second to
% program ways to sort/prune/etc messages that where not
% threaded properly BY THEIR SENDERS.
You may certainly make such a suggestion.
% The original thread started because somebody was pissed
% off by people who start a totally different thread by hitting
% "reply" to any message from the list, changing the subject to
% a totally unrelated one, and off they go.
This time around, yes, but *my* original request was because of users
whose mail just plain doesn't have a References: header at all. And even
replying to the list won't fix that :-)
Will this code ever make it into the official mutt distribution? Who
knows. Should we abandon an idea that will apparently help a lot of
people, or even just me? I certainly hope not, 'cuz I sure can't code
it, and it really belongs in mutt rather than in some procmail script
(much though I love the procmail/formail idea because I can grok it :-)
I think that Zack summed it up well. This isn't for stupid users of
Outhouse mail. This is for great users of mutt. We do more with our
mail because we can!
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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