On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:59:54AM +0200, Marco Ahrendt wrote:
> i like to move my maildirs to another server and i stepped over the
> question what performance loss i will have. since the new server would
> be a pentium I (now a pentium III) my thoughts where these:
> is mutt using memory/cpu to process the maildirs or does mutt only use
> the speed of the harddisk? if mutt is only depending on fast harddisks i
> could move because my disk isnt faster as in the pentium I server.
I'm using a Pentium MMX procesor and didn't noticed to high procesor usage
when running mutt. Maildirs with over 2k mesages take some time to load,
but I think it's caused by hard disk. It's Quantum BigFoot 1280A,
87kB Cache, CHS=623/64/63, DMA=Pio 4 so it isn't the fastest.
I'm sure you're going to notice some loss of performance but it
shouldn't be too big. Of course mutt uses memory/cpu to process mail.
For example sorting.
> regards,
> Marco
Lukasz Zamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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